Women’s Networking Sponsored by Chamber President Ana Suarez

Clemente Bakery 120 Leuning St. South Hackensack, Hackensack, NJ, United States

  The goal of the women’s group is for professional women to create an atmosphere where they are comfortable speaking about challenges in their work life. Ultimately, the relationships built will help to grow their businesses. The group meets for an hour, but attendees are encouraged to stay and chat. There is no charge to […]


Events Committee

The events committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month via zoom. The events committee plans the major events during the year including the gala, beefsteak and scholarship event. This committee also helps to guide smaller events during the year. Topic: Events Committee Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting […]


Membership/Marketing Committee

The membership/marketing committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. via zoom. The committee plans the May is Membership events and the General Membership event. The committee also welcomes new members in person at their place of business. They act as ambassadors to greet attendees at major events throughout the year. […]


Monthly Networking for Professionals Sponsored by ServPro

Senior Source at The Shops at Riverside 310 Riverside Square Mall, Hackensack, NJ

This group is a monthly meeting to network with other professionals, share ideas, as well as discuss any challenges and/or opportunities they are currently facing, while building lasting relationships. Free for members to attend, non-members will pay a fee which will be credited towards membership if they join the Chamber within a week. Sponsored by:


Hispanic Business Committee

Hackensack Chamber Office 66 Moore Street, Suite 301, Hackensack, NJ

The Hispanic Business Committee meets monthly to work together and discuss issues that affect Hispanic businesses as well as businesses in general. They also canvas the Chamber’s area to invite new businesses to attend committee meetings and events. No charge to attend but membership is encouraged.


Professional Women’s Networking

Panera Bread 10 Sterling Boulevard, Englewood, NJ

The goal of the women’s group is for professional women to create an atmosphere where they are comfortable speaking about challenges in their work life. Ultimately, the relationships built will help to grow their businesses. The group meets for an hour, but attendees are encouraged to stay and chat. There is a fee to attend […]


Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of the month at 9 a.m. via zoom. All members are welcome to attend. The Board supervises and controls the direction of the Chamber and promotes its purpose. The directors serve three-year terms, not to exceed 12 years. Directors are expected to be actively involved in […]


Non Profit Committee Meeting

The Non Profit Committee consists of Non Profit organizations who meet quarterly to discuss industry trends/issues. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89366386445?pwd=VmdpcXZyUk5PcklIdVBzbml6a0M3UT09 Meeting ID: 893 6638 6445 Passcode: 738439 One tap mobile +13017158592,,89366386445#,,,,*738439# US (Washington DC) +13092053325,,89366386445#,,,,*738439# US Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 […]


Hot Cocoa and Toy Drive

Chit Chat Diner 515 Essex Street, Hackensack, NJ

REGISTER TO ATTEND AND FOR ADMISSION BRING A TOY OR CASH DONATION Be minded: Donate a new unwrapped toy, no stuffed animals, non-toxic art supplies, no guns or war toys, no latex balloons, no scary actions figures, no candy, gum or other food, no video games rated "M". Your generous donation will be greatly appreciated! […]


Health & Wellness Committee

The Health & Wellness Committee has been set up to allow businesses in the health and wellness space to share their message through a newsletter and social media posts. The meets monthly via zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88420894904?pwd=aFR4Q2ptMEFXL2xIZEE3SnppRVlLdz09 Meeting ID: 884 2089 4904 Passcode: 631190 One tap mobile +16469313860,,88420894904#,,,,*631190# US +19292056099,,88420894904#,,,,*631190# US (New York)   […]
