The Beatles – Lessons on Leadership and Teams
The Beatles – Lessons on Leadership and Teams
In conjunction with Johnson Public Library. Free to attend. Without question, one of the world's most successful and important musical and cultural artists were The Beatles. In addition to the unprecedented sales of their recordings, they changed the way music is written, recorded and performed, and even changed the way people dressed and cut their hair. And, fifty years after the four Beatles were last in a room together, they continue that success, being among the top sellers in music today. Certainly, having three world-class singers and songwriters and a rock-solid drummer contributed to that success. However, there was a lot more that made them so successful. In this entertaining 45-minute presentation, local teacher, musician and Beatles’ fan, Rick Sawyer, will discuss some very specific 'lessons on leadership and teams' that contributed to The Beatles' success. What makes this discussion this especially valuable is that any leader, and any team, can learn from this and use these ‘lessons’ to help make you, as a leader, and the team you’re part of, more successful.